Name: Assignment
#: Date:
Film Title:
Record at least 5 significant concrete details and commentaries
about the film. Your notes should be 1–2 complete sentences for each concrete
detail and commentary. For additional space, use the back or a separate sheet.
Grading: 20% each for a total of 100%.
Extra credit: 20% for a 6th CD/CM.
Details—“What I observed”—filmmaking techniques, performances, plot elements,
effects, etc.
I think”—comments, personal reactions, opinions, analysis, etc.
EXAMPLE: In Bowling for Columbine, Michael
Moore opens the film by visiting a bank that offers a free rifle with every
new account.
EXAMPLE: It was an effective way to open the film.
It showed how much guns are a normal part of US culture. It was both funny
and a little scary at the same time. It was a good way to grab the viewers’
subtotal ________ extra credit ___________ TOTAL___________ 30 20
10 0